51T+w1l2iYL._SL500_Synopsis: “When Father is taken away unexpectedly, Roberta, Peter, Phyllis and their mother have to leave their comfortable life in London to go and live in a small cottage in the country. The children seek solace in the nearby railway station, and make friends with Perks the Porter and the Station Master himself. Each day, Roberta, Peter and Phyllis run down the field to the railway track and wave at the passing London train, sending their love to Father. Little do they know that the kindly old gentleman passenger who waves back holds the key to their father’s disappearance.

My Review

Even though I’ve listened to this a few times now it’s still a wonderful story, especially this version which is read by Jenny Agutter, who played Roberta in the 1970s film, alongside  Sally Thomsett and Bernard Cribbins.

I love this story about Bobby, Phyllis, Peter, and their mother, who moved to country when their father is mysteriously taken away from their London home one night. They don’t know where he’s gone, and they don’t want to ask their mother, as they don’t want to upset her. So they busy themselves getting to know their surroundings in their new home by a railway, where they wave to the trains going to London and sending their love to their father wherever he maybe.

They have great adventures on and by the railway, and become heroes and loved by their neighbours, especially by Perks the station porter. I love the relationships between the three children and imagine that E. Nesbit must have had sibblings as the petty squabbles and teasing between the three characters is so lifelike.

Highly recommended, especially if you enjoy children’s books, but be warned, you may need tissues as that ending always gets me.

Book 13 of 20 Books of Summer