I’ve been meaning to join in with this tag created by bibliobeth for a while, but my bookshelves were so messy until recently that I really didn’t want to photograph them.

If you want to join in, you share a picture (or “shelfie”) of one of your shelves i.e. favourites, TBR, however you like to organise them, and then answer ten questions that are based around that particular shelf.


And here are the questions!:

1.) Is there any reason for this shelf being organised the way it is or is it purely random?

It’s mostly by size as there are some tall books that wouldn’t fit anywhere else.

2.) Tell us a story about one of the books on this shelf that is special to you i.e. how you got it/ a memory associated with it etc.

I’ll tell you about 2 books, All The Missing Girls was a book swap I did with with Inge @ The Belgian Reviewer last year, and Dark Matter was a buddy read with Liz @ Cover 2 Cover earlier in the year.

3.) Which book from this shelf would you ditch if you were forced to and why?

Either The Anne Tyler or The Dinah Jefferies as I’m sure I could borrow them from the library.

4.) Which book from this shelf would you save in an emergency and why?

Judith Kerr’s Out of the Hitler Time because it’s the trilogy that begins with When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit one of my favourite books.

5.) Which book has been on this shelf for the longest time?

I think it’s probably Out of the Hitler Time it’s a second hand copy that I got a few years ago.

6.) Which book is the newest addition to this shelf?

Most of them are new because I moved them from somewhere else this week!

7.) Which book from this shelf are you most excited to read (or re-read if this is a favourites shelf?)

All the Missing Girls because it’s told back to front and I love stories written like that.

8.) If there is an object on this shelf apart from books, tell us the story behind it?

No just books.

9.) What does this shelf tell us about you as a reader?

That I like a mixed of genres

10.) Choose other bloggers to tag or choose a free question you make up yourself.

I’m tagging but as always there’s no pressure to join in.
